UKTA Honorary President David Mellor OBE was at Southampton University to present Mrs Margaret K Chalwe-Mudenda, Director General Zambia Information and Communications Technology Authority (ZICTA) with her well earned Masters of Laws in Information and Communication Technology Certificate of Attendance from ITU and UKTA.


“It is with great pleasure that we are able to reward Margaret for her devotion to completing her LLM while performing her very important professional role and also being a mother,” said Professor Mellor. “UKTA is proud that our academic programmes can encourage lifelong learning without disrupting other responsibilities that our students maintain” he added. “As Zambia looks to modernise its ICT laws and regulations to catalyse a digital economy, the insight I have obtained from this degree is invaluable,” said Mrs Chalwe-Mudenda, adding “I would like to sincerely thank UKTA for their expert guidance and collaborative spirit.”

With a population of 15 million, Zambia has more than 10 million mobile subscribers, around a quarter of which use mobile broadband. Regulatory reform and the release of the new spectrum are expected to accelerate broadband penetration.