New Book! Telecommunications Law
Professors Ian Lloyd and David Mellor OBE have published a new edition of their book on Telecommunications Law. Published by Sweet and Maxwell
This invaluable title provides you with an introduction to the basic communications technologies that are changing almost every aspect of our lives Telecommunications Law describes the emergence of regulation at the domestic and international level and considers the legal relationships which may exist between network and service providers. Attention is given also to the emerging “over the top” services such as voice over the Internet (VoIP) telephony. Contractual relationships between providers and consumers are analysed and extensive consideration is given to consumer protection issues in the context of universal service and privacy protection. The new third edition: Discusses the latest version of the Electronic Communications Code Covers elements of the Digital Economy Act 2017, such as universal service obligations and liability for on-line activities Looks into the future of the industry, including 5G and the Internet of Things.
The book can be found at: